Useful Links & Numbers

Useful Numbers

Silverdale Village Surgery Phone
01782 381680
Ryecroft Surgery  Phone
01782 381680
North Staffordshire CCG 0845 602 6772
Royal Stoke University Hospital 01782 715444
Royal Stoke Accident and Emergency 01782 715444
Bradwell Hospital 01782 425400
Haywood Hospital 01782 715444
Lyme Brook 01782 425350
Nuffield Hospital 01782 625431
NHS Staffordshire & Lancashire Commissioning 01782 298000
Dental Emergencies Advice Line 01782 425846
Douglas Macmillan 01782 317118
District Nurses - 9.00am - 5.00pm Mon - Fri 01782 831110
District Nurses After 5.00pm, weekends and bank holidays 01782 831110
Health Visitors 01782 427404
Community Midwives 01782 715444
Everyone Health - Smoking Cessation / Weight Management 03330 050095
Social Services 01782 296005
Social Services (Out of Hours) 01782 354030
Staffs Pregnancy Advisory Service 01782 632784
Relate (Marriage Guidance) 01782 683050
Drug Link North Staffs 01782 425100
Citizens Advice Bureau - Newcastle 0870 1264049
Alcoholics Anonymous 01782 266366
Wellbeing Service 0300 303 0923

Sexual Health Services (

0808 1780955
Samaritans 01782 213555
Police - Newcastle 101