Over 50

Help with weight loss/stopping smoking/feeling lonely or isolated/falls prevention

Everyone Health has partnered with Staffordshire County Council in order to provide services that help and support those aged over 50 who meet a certain criteria and live in one of the 52 identified wards.

We provide services with an integrated approach that look to not only help alleviate short-term problems, but that take a holistic approach to health and social care, helping to change long-term behavioural patterns for the better.

So, whether you want help to quit smoking, lead a more active lifestyle, lose some weight, or simply take advantage of the NHS Health Checks we offer, Everyone Health – alongside Staffordshire County Council – can help you.

To refer yourself or others please get in touch with us:

Telephone: 03330 050095

Email: ehstaffs@nhs.net

Online: http://www.everyonehealth.co.uk/staffordshire


Atrial Fibrillation - FibriCheck App Patient Information Leaflet

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