Clinics We Offer

Chronic Disease Management
Checks are done by practice nurses. If you are eligible for an annual check we will send you a reminder in the post and all patients are encouraged to attend annual reviews for the following:
- Asthma
- Hypertension
- Coronary heart disease
- Diabetes
- Cerebrovascular disease

Antenatal Clinics
These are run by the midwife attached to the practice from the UHNM team at Royal Stoke Hospital.
Patients now self-refer - ideally as soon as you find out you are pregnant. To self-refer for UHNM midwife antenatal care / booking, please visit and fill in the on registration/booking questionnaire. Once this has been completed the midwife will contact to arrange a booking appointment.
To minimise the risk of spina bifida, we recommend that you take 400mcg per day of folic acid from when you start trying to conceive until the twelfth week of pregnancy. This is available over the counter from any chemist.
For the health of your baby and yourself, you should also avoid smoking or drinking alcohol whilst pregnant.

Cervical Smears
These are offered to all women aged 25-65 as part of the NHS national screening programme to prevent cervical cancer. It is important to have have these done regularly because they look for early changes which can be easily treated early to prevent the development of cancer.
Smears are carried out by our specially trained practice nurses. They are normally repeated every 3 years for patients up to the age of 50 and 5 years thereafter up to the age of 65.
All eligible patients should receive an NHS invite when due. If you are overdue for a smear, then please book in to have this done as soon as possible.

Child Health & Immunisations
We provide a full vaccination programme and child development checks.
You will be offered routine child development checks according to the national guidelines.
We strongly recommend all children to receive al the recommended immunisations. Full details available below:

Contraceptive Services
Counselling and advice are given on all aspects by all the doctors and nurses. This includes preconception, implants and coil fitting, and is completely confidential. For coils please make an initial appointment with Dr Knowles who will discuss this option with you before arranging a further appointment for you to have the coil fitted. For implants please make an initial appointment with Dr Knowles or Dr Tan who will discuss this option with you before arranging a further appointment for you to have the implant.
Emergency Contraception
This is provided by all doctors up to three days after an accident, and possibly up to 5 days after an accident in special circumstances. This is a fully confidential service and the receptionists are specially trained to give an appointment. It can also be obtained free from chemists displaying two purple pills.